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Вопрос 2:

Раздаточный материал

    Февральская игра — команда StartUp.
    Information on incidences of camel (Camelus dromedarius) diseases in Jordan is scarce. In this survey, 369 live and 156 slaughtered camels were examined in four Jordanian geographic regions and the proportion of diseased camels was calculated. Ten percent of slaughtered camels had bacterial pneumonia, with Pasteurella hemolytica most often isolated (56% of pneumonic lungs). Further investigation into the relationship between parasite burden and health in camels is required to assess the significance of the high prevalence of parasites.

    На листе, который мы вам раздали, вы без труда найдете примеры lower case и upper case. Обведите, пожалуйста, пример Camel Case.

Ответ: StartUp.

Комментарий: Camel Case describes a mixture of upper and lower case characters in a string. The name derives from the resemblance of the undulations in the shape of the resulting string to the humps on the back of a camel.


Автор: Алик Палатник (Хайфа)

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